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Trucking: recapping logbook hours, hr work, 6th day

as an example, you have worked six days and have only two hours left on your 70, you were off 48 hours previously to starting your week which means on your recap page there are two zeros above your six days. when can you start recapping the previous weeks hours or do you have to do a 34 hour restart before recapping available hours?

I'm not sure exactly what your asking, so if I don't answer your question send me a 6 day run down with hours for each day.

If you were off 48 hours previous to the 6 days, then all the hours before the 48 hours are gone as if you never worked. Whether you use the 34 hr restart or not, it's automatic. If at the end of the 6th day you had 68 hrs., you would have to take 34 hrs off to restart your 70 hr work week. The reason is you will reach 34 hrs before reaching midnight on the 8th day. Day 1 will not fall off till midnight on the 8th day, thus you will not have time available till the 9th day.

If I missed it, reword it and send me a recap I can look at.