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Trucking: Getting started, louisiana department of transportation, trucking insurance

Me and my brother are on the way to getting a 1ton truck and a open 3 car hauler and we are wanting to start hauling cars in Louisiana and the states beside us. We were wondering what we would need to get before we get started and what is the easiest way to get jobs? Any information we would really appreciate. thanks.

Hi Justin.

Sites like www.dotauthority.com can help you get legal.  The Louisiana Department of Transportation can help too.  You will also need to look into trucking insurance and make sure you get enough cargo insurance.

As far as work.  You should contact other auto hauling companies and look into leasing out to them.  They find the loads, worry about getting paid and you can focus on driving.  If you really want to be on your own, then hit up local auto auctions, car dealers, custom shops, etc. for business.  I would talk to other drivers at your local auto auction house and pick his brain.  Drivers love to talk and you'll learn about what dealers ship where and for how much.

Good luck!

Bob Stephens