Trucking: New To Trucking, dominic dambro, bob stephens
QuestionHello my name is Dominic Dambro and i am from Deltona and me and my dad are thing about buying a tri--axle dump truck but not shore how to get work and keep busy year round if you can help me with my problem could you e-mail back at
[email protected]
Thank You
AnswerHi Dominic.
Before you buy that truck, make sure you can run it. There is a glut of dumps in Florida right now and construction has slowed way up. I know that Peterbilt of Tampa is going to stop selling dumps because it's so slow. I would call around to some potential companies that you could lease out to and see if it's worth your while. Unless you've done a business plan and know where your customers are, I wouldn't go out on your own in this economic climate...yet.
Good luck!
Bob Stephens