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Trucking: Who do I drive for?, liverpool ny, trucking companies

  I just graduated from a PTDI certified school in Liverpool, NY ( NTTS) maybe you are farmiliar....regardless my driving record and personal background are both perfect...however the only experience I have is from the school. Who do I drive for?? I don't care about hours otr etc. I just want to make alot of money, also drop and hook would be nice!!

Jeff, there is still a shortage of qualified drivers so you should be able to find something.  The larger companies will generally require two years of safe driving experience but some f the smaller ones will hire tight out of driving school.  Start with your school.  Most have a placement service and may also have standing requests from certain trucking companies.  Next best bet is to scour all of the job boards.  You might find something on Monster or another general website but I think your best bet is the driver specific sites.  Try these:
An I am sure there are dozens more.

Best of luck.  Jim.