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Trucking: Brokers, reputable broker, bob stephens

I've been driving for a few years now , all local in the Detroit area.   Now I find myself laid off and I am trying to fiqure out the best way to go. I've talked to a guy at school and he was telling me of a friend who hauls produce for a broker and makes very good money.  I've checked into being a company driver for some companies and to me working for a broker seems to be the better deal.  However, how do you find a good, reputable broker to work for that isn't going to rip you off?  Thanks.

Hi Bill.

You can make more money driving your own rig, but you should have a decent amount of cash to start up.  It's hard to say, but you could need $10k to $20k for start up when all is said and done.  Write up a business plan and you'll get a good idea.

If you go through brokers on sites like www.getloaded.com, they have the broker's credit rating listed to help you out.

Good luck!

Bob Stephens