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Trucking: looking for some answer about dump trucks, state labor board, diesel prices

hi, j.p. my name is antonio and about 6 months ago i bought a brand new dump truck to work in florida. the broker that was going to give me work at that time help me get the finance saying that i was going to get paid $700.00 a day, that never happened, now im stuck with another broker that he paid when he get his check. is there some kind of law that protects us of people like that? because im not the only person that guy owed money in total its more than 25 people.and what going on with the truck industry,specially dump trucks industry? right here in florida is almost dead,nobody is making a dime, diesel prices are to high, theres no work.

Hi Antonio, Contact you state labor board and make a complaint.  Also if this is a freight broker, they are required to post a $10,000 bond to get Federal License. Get their MC number and contact the FMCSA in Washington for help.  Good Luck.  J P Long