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Trucking: difference between own authority and hiring on a company, bob stephens, lease operator

My husband is a lease operator through a company right now and we are considering the purchase of our own semi in the future. What I'm trying to find out is the difference between being his own authority and hiring on with a company. If he hires on with a trucking company is he legally allowed to find his own loads if they don't have one for him and should he apply for his own numbers or will the company do for him.

Thank you

Hi Mindy,

Most companies are not going to be to happy if your husband pulls a load for himself under their DOT number.  They may allow it, but would you let someone in your restaurant with a McDonalds?

Under his own DOT, it's now your company.  The profits potentially higher, but now all the expenses (and worries) are yours.  You have to find the loads, worry about getting paid, pay for all insurance, fuel taxes, maintenance, etc.  Many companies, when you lease out, take these worries away.  

I would suggest leasing out to a company, at least for a little while, to learn the ropes and understand the costs of truck ownership.  Learn as much as you can from your company and how they do business.  Then, when your ready, get your own DOT number and pull for yourself.

Good luck!

Bob Stephens