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Trucking: hotshot runs, trucking freight, bob stephens

I have a 1ton duelly with a 40foot goose neck trailer and had been hauling trees, but have found work too slow to provide for my family. what do I need and how to I get into hauling different items or more tree hauling and what license or certificates are required?

Hi Chris.

You'll need to get your DOT number and a fuel tax sticker for every state you run in.  Sites like www.dotauthority.com can get you up and legal.  If you have any questions, contact your state's Department of Transportation.  Don't forget cargo insurance, too.

You may consider leasing out to a company and running under their DOT number.  Look in the phone book under trucking, freight, etc. and see what you can find.  Their are bound to be a few hot shot companies in your area that could use your services.  Make a few calls and see what you can find.

Good luck!

Bob Stephens