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Trucking: interested in starting a hauling business, flatbed loads, sensitive freight

Hi Bob

My Uncle and I are interested in starting a hauling business here in central Florida.  What would you recommend is good for starting out and which type of hauling is the most lucrative. Please explain your reasons for your answers.

Hi Noel,

It really depends on how far you want to run.  If it's just in the state of Florida, I would run flatbed.  Not because it's the most lucrative, but there are a lot of flatbed loads in Florida.  Reefer (refridgerated) loads pay more, but Florida to Florida loads are a lot harder to get.

If you want to run long haul, or over the road, reefer is the way to go.  Outside of specialized loads (like oversized), temperature sensitive freight pays the most.

Good luck!

Bob Stephens