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Trucking: driver Jobs/Discrimination, trucking industry, judge the book

Hi I recently got my CDL and No one will hire me for two reasons. I am a driver with no Experience/and I have some old felony's on my record. Last one was 6 years ago. before that was 9 years and then 16 years. I am more angry at the school for not telling me how hard it would be. I spent so much money to get my CDL thinking I would get it all back. should I just go buy my own truck? I really feel like people in the trucking industry judge the book by the cover. because I am not the same person I used to be. but I also understand why the USA is in such a panic, if some one with a felony gets in a wreck its all over the news and the company suffers. I just don't know what to do. if you have an answer for me please let me know. thanks Deric

Hi Deric, Sorry you are having a problem being hired. Buying a truck would be one way to get started. Suggest you find a company that would lease you and let you pull their trailer before you buy a truck. Then after a couple years experience, you may want to get your own authority. Also check on insurance for truck before you buy . Most  insurance companies want driver to have 2 or 3 years experience. Sorry, but that is the way they operate. Good Luck. J P