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Trucking: getting business, becoming an owner operator, excavating companies

Im lookin into becoming an owner operator in the fort smith arkansas area. I am doing a lot of research before I get a dump truck of my own. Could you tell me how you would go about getting accounts? And just some different ideas on how to get more business?


Hi Jeff.

Two simple routes you can go.  You might want to lease out to a company.  There are many great sites that you can research companies like www.bubbajunk.com, www.truckinfo.net, www.layover.com and www.truckinginfo.com.  When leasing out, you can learn the business while still getting a steady check and not worrying about getting accounts.  You can also look in the phone book for dump hauling companies and see if their hiring owner operators.

If you want to go on your own, then you have to make some sales calls.  Find companies in your area that have a need for your services.  Construction companies are the obvious big customers.  You may also try excavating companies, pool companies and of course, the Department of Transportation.  The DOT will most likely have a bid process and you will have to contact them in Little Rock for information.

Another way to find accounts is to talk to drivers.  They will tell you everything, most of the time.  See a dump driver fueling up?  Pull in and ask him how he likes driving for the company and where he mostly hauls to and from.  Most guys will open right up.  Now you know who to hit up on sales calls.  Spend a few days cold calling on customers and dropping off a business card.  When they don't call, stop by again.  I've gotten great accounts by repeat visits.  Dress nice (you don't need a suit), but don't be dirty and tell them how you want to haul for them.  Your always on time and haul at a reasonable rate.  Most guys make calls, or send a flyer, but nothing beats a face to face sales call.

Finally, you may call load brokers in your area.  They'll be in the phone book under "Freight Brokers" or you can find them on sites like www.getloaded.com.

Good Luck!

Bob Stephens