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Trucking: Hours of service, and comic books, discipline action, haul drivers

Hello Bob,

I have a question about the hours of service regulations.  I've heard about how some drivers refer to their log books as comic books.

What I am wondering is, to what extent are these HOS regulations actually observed by truck drivers today?  Would you say that most drivers obey or closely obey these regulations?  Or, are violations of these HOS fairly widespread?

The reason why I am asking all this is because I am considering a career as a long haul truck driver.  And so, I want to know what to expect.

For example, if I become a long haul driver, can I expect that my employer will, in spite of the HOS regulations and the penalties for violating them, give me runs that just can't legally be completed in the amount of time given?  In such a case, if I complain to my employer, will I be layed off or face other retribution?

Would you say that, from HOS compliance standpoint, it's better to go work for a smaller company, or a larger one?

Are HOS violations more frequent for long haul or short haul drivers?

Anything else you want to say about this important issue, feel free.

Thank you very much!

Hi Victor.

Any decent size, long haul companies are not going to make you run when your out of hours.  The big trucking companies will be especially watchful of your hours of service (and your compliance).  Will there be times that you may have to be creative in your log book?  Sure, but most companies are not going to make you run coast-to-coast nonstop either.  

About the only retribution that an employer may do is give the driver bad loads.  It doesn't make much sense because if the driver isn't running, the company isn't making the money.  If an employer fired you (or gave you any discipline action), and you could prove it was because you didn't run illegally, they'd be in for one hell of a lawsuit!  

Honestly, the trucking companies that force their drivers to run in violation of the HOS are going to pay the piper eventually.  The DOT will catch up to them and fines will be huge!  Where HOS rules have been violated is from drivers.  The more hours you run, the more money you make.  Stuck in traffic for two hours?  Most guys will never log a traffic jam and take away from their hours.  Same goes for unloading the truck and so on.  Most drivers don't log it like they run it.  Fact of trucking, plain and simple.

Like I said earlier, from a HOS compliance standpoint, it's better to work for a bigger company.  I (knew) of some small companies that would give you big, shiney new trucks, but expected you to run illegally.  The big ones are very good about compliance.

I think violations are more frequent for long haulers.  A lot more area you can "fudge", but it's an issue with short haul trucking too.

I wouldn't worry about running illegally.  The days of multiple log books and licenses are over.  It's something that I wouldn't worry about if your considering a career in trucking.  You should be looking into a large company anyway if your new into trucking.  That's the direction I would go to get some experience and in these times with high fuel prices, a large, stable company is the way to go.  Large companies have many perks over most small ones anyway.

Good luck!

Bob Stephens