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Trucking: Leasing company, trucking experience, ford f350

Hi Bob- I've emailed you before, and you helped a lot, I need more help. I have started a hotshot business in Houston, I have a Ford F350 pickup, with a 12 foot bed (flatbed). I don't have a trailor, and have talked to other hotshot drivers here, and was told to hold off on purchasing a trailor. This is not my full time employment, so I want to operate locally, and get 3-5 runs per week. That would satisfy me for now. I have been told by these owners that leasing would be the way for me to go in the beginning. I have come to agree with this, but I have no idea how to find a good company that will lease my truck. Can you give me a few companies to contact? Again, I just want to make local runs, and I am not looking to haul huge freight. I have no trucking experience, so I really want to start slow.
Eric Johnson

Hi Eric.

As far as specialized Hot Shot Trucking in Houston, I'm not familiar with local companies.  I did find a few on the internet.  Look at these...


If you look at www.superpages.com and type in trucking, you'll have about 700 companies to look at.  Not many will do Hot Shots, but you can go to their websites and make a few calls.  

Leasing out is a good way to go.  Going on your own, you may have a conflict of interest between your full time job and a customer that needs freight moved the same day.  Trucking is a full time job when it's your business.

When looking into these companies, find out how flexible your schedule can be, what's the rate of pay, what insurance is offered, how often do you get paid, etc.  You'll be able to narrow it down pretty quick.  Keep hunting, though.  The company that will best suit you might be the hardest to find.  Overall, leasing is the way for you to go.

Good luck!

Bob Stephens