Trucking: lowboy, load brokers, dually trucks
QuestionQUESTION: intrested in the trucking bus (dumptrucks)where do i start and can i get seriously paid .how do you find loads for dually trucks
ANSWER: Hi Edward.
Start by getting your DOT/MC numbers and permits. Go to for help. Next get cargo/liability insurance and contact your state's DOT office for the proper tags (if required).
Call local load brokers to see what's running and at what rate. Look in the phone book under "freight brokers" or go to websites like
Good luck!
Bob Stephens
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: my understanding is dumptrucks bring loads in and takes loads out where do they take the load and does it cost them to dump aload
AnswerIt all depends on who your hauling for and what your hauling. If your hauling dirt, your going to have a shipper and reciever. If your hauling scrap or broken up concrete, you may have to pay to get rid of it, it all depends. If you haul it for a company, they may have it set up where all you do is haul. Like I said before, it all depends on the accounts. Every account is different on what they pay and where it picks up and delivers.
Bob Stephens