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Trucking: Dump trucking, trucking market, luck jim

I'm currently Ower Operator in the freight hauling industry in local Chicago Intermodal. I will love to know how, and how much dump truck ower operators are paid?, if you'er familiar with this market.

Lloyd, I'm sorry I don't have any specific knowledge of the dump trucking market in the Chicago area.  My understanding of the business for short haul bulk materials is usually paid on a per trip basis.  That said the companies will try to pay as little per trip as they can and still get enough trucks to complete the project.  Often times it forces the truckker to take unneccesary risks (speed, Hours of Service, etc.) just to break even.  You can hold out for a decent rate but if there are others out there willing to work for less it will be a tough way to go.  If you can figure out some niche or value added service that can sifferentiate you from the rest you will have better luck commanding a premium.  By all meansd check out the local market, talk to other owner operators and contracting companies to get the going rates before you comit to buying a truck.  Best of luck.  Jim