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Trucking: TRucking, load brokers, bob stephens

  How can I start a trucking/hauling company. I need to know how I can get the contracts and the usual mile paying rate. I would appreciate it very much if you can help me...
  Thanks; MIke

Hi Mike.

I could write a book on getting started in trucking.  The big thing is to write up a business plan.  Find out where all of your expenses will be going.

Getting contracts is the same as any other business, sales.  Get out and try to get accounts.  You can go through load brokers, and will probably have to until those accounts start calling, but brokers take their cut.

The pay per mile depends on what your hauling and where.  Produce, dry freight, flatbed, specialized freight, etc. all pay different.  Call competitors in your area, or brokers, and see what the price is for different loads.  You can also get on www.getloaded.com and check out prices there.

Good luck!

Bob Stephens