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Trucking: Wanting to start a dump truck hauling bus., dot number, landscaping company

I have been looking into buying a dump truck and start a bus. But I have so many question? since you are here in florida as am I you may have a great insite as to the bus. for this area I am thinking of just hauling dirt and rock, but the question of finding steady work to pay the bills. I do have another job but schedule is flexable for the most part.any insite you have would be great


Tom in Orlando

Hi Tom.

I know a few guys who haul dumps here in the Tampa area.  For starters, it's long hours.  Many of these guys work 12-14 hour days with their trucks.  One of my friends starts at 3 am and works until 5 pm, 5 days a week.  A lot of other guys work nights because that's when the contractors work on the highways and roads.  All in all, it can be a tough gig.

Not to discourage, but your either going to have to find loads on your own (with your own DOT number), or lease to a carrier that will take you part time with flexible hours.  

This is what I would try and do.  You may not be able to do this because of finances.  I would try and go independent and hit up every construction, paving, excavating and landscaping company that I could.  Drop off your business card (dress nice, but not too nice) and try to talk to the decision maker.  At the very least, get his/her name.  Offer your services.  If you only got a name, mail a quick letter to them with your card and info on it.  Keep pounding on that door until they give you a load.

People often say "ahh, it's not worth it" but you won't get rich leasing to someone else.  Plus, it's a lot of hard work with long hours.  By doing some cold calling, you are on your way to a fleet of dumps, one at a time.  That, and the days that you have your other job, you don't schedule runs.  It will take time to get a steady stream of customers, but that's what I would try.

I could say "try this carrier, or that one" but I haven't found one in central Florida that I really like.  Try to go on your own, just do some legwork.  I think you'll find it a great decision.

Good luck!

Bob Stephens