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Trucking: starting a new car hauling business, craigslist org, trucking business

Where do I Get the paperwork and information on starting a trucking business to haul cars Nationwide . I have had a delivery business in Dallas for a number of years and feel I am ready to upgrade.. Sure could use some help on applicatins permits and whatnot.. Thanks

Hi David.

You will need to contact your state's Department of Transportation.  You will need to get your DOT/MC numbers, IFTA sticker, base plate, etc.  They can walk you through it.  Sites like www.dotauthority.com can help you with getting most of that also.

I would talk to a lawyer about incorporating.  Besides the tax benefits, it will keep your business away from your personal finances, if something should happen.

You can find insurance from companies like www.progressivecommercial.com or www.sentry.com.

When your ready to roll, sites like www.getloaded.com may help, but I'm not sure if there is a lot of car loads on there.  I would contact as many car haulers as you can.  Not only in Dallas, but throughout the United States.  I know that if they don't have a truck in a certain area, they'll usually call other carriers and take a small cut.  It can help you out.

Besides that, I would put a listing on Ebay and www.craigslist.org offers free listings.  More cars and trucks are sold on Ebay than any other website.  It would be worth starting an auction and see what you get.

Finally, don't forget to join OOIDA (www.ooida.com).  They are a great organization.  They have numerous articles and information to help you run your business efficiently.

Congratulations and good luck!

Bob Stephens