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Trucking: question, bob stephens, trucking companies

i need help finding a job. but i have 6 accidents on my hands. 3 are preventable and 3 are non. please help me. thanks James

Hi James.

The problem that you'll run into is that, to most insurance companies, an accident is an accident.  It doesn't matter to them if it's preventable or not.  I had an old owner-operator tell me years ago, "The only accident the DOT won't charge you with is if a plane lands on your truck, other than that, it's the driver's fault!"  This is, unfortunately, the view of insurance companies too.  The insurance companies are the ones who tell the trucking companies who they can, and cannot hire.  If you have six accidents in the last three years, it's going to be hard to find a job.  There is nothing more you can do than call around.  Large and small companies a like.  Tell them about the accidents up front and see what they say.  Off hand, I don't know of a "perfect fit" for you, but keep trying!  You'll find a position, it's just going to take some legwork.

Good luck!

Bob Stephens