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Trucking: 98 ford aeromax, bob stephens, fan sensor

i have a 98 ford aeromax truck, with a N14 cummin engine, the problem i have started about three months ago, the engine fan never goes off, once it warms up it stays on all the time.I've  already changed the fan sensor,i changed the gas trotle sensor and i also changed the water temperature sensor. But nothing seems to work.
someone suggested to check the fan with the engine off, and see if the clutch is locked up, but i cant find the clutch can any one help me?
i would be gald to hear from someone.

Hi Jaime.

I'd take it to a Cummins dealer and have them hook it up to the computer.  It can drive you crazy.  I've replaced bad sensors with new sensors that were also bad.  What you'll pay for a diagnostic will save you in headaches later.

Good luck!

Bob Stephens