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Trucking: worth switching careers, weeks per year, hitting the road

My friend is wanting me to team drive with him because he bought a truck, its a 2000 with 600,000k miles on it and he bought it for $6,000 (basically a gift to him by a good friend) and the guy he currently is driving with is retiring in a few months. They do expedited freight with Panther. And he is telling me that doing 2000-3000 miles per week, 40 weeks per year that we will each make between 55K and 65K. Remember that the truck is paid for so no payment and he said we would split the profits 50/50....neither of us have children or wives so we are both thinking about hitting the road hard over the next 2-3 years just to make some good money...........


This truck will probably not make a good team truck. It is at the point that breakdowns begin to occur. A million miles will tyopically end the useful over the road life of a truck, so you are looking at about 2 years or so before this truck is used up. His figures are probably accurate, but remember that repairs will cut significantly into the profit, and may reduce the money you put in your pocket.