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Trucking: Truck driving jobs, bearer of bad news, bob stephens

Ok I have a valid class A license from Arizona and had to turn in my California license , I went to an orientation and they said my California license had been suspended due to child support ,and I need to pay 600 dollars to get the California license released even though I don't have one . My Arizona class A is still valid . Is there any company that will hire me with my valid class A license so I can get the money to go to California and take care of the California license problem ?????

Hi David.

If your California license is suspended, it's only a matter of time before your Arizona CDL will be suspended too.  That's one purpose of the Commercial Driver's License, to keep people with suspended licenses in one state, from getting a license in another.  It use to be a big problem in the 70's and 80's.  If you hire on with a company, it could be suspended at any time.  If a company sees that your California is suspended, then almost all companies will not hire you.  Technically, you shouldn't have an Arizona if your California is suspended.  

I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news, just want to give you a heads up.  Do everything you can to pay off that $600 and your worries are gone.  

Good luck!

Bob Stephens