Trucking: trucking, loading docks, lumpers
Questionhello, my brother and i were talking about buying a truck and reefer trailer.
but we wanted to know what are companies paying a driver now to transport
there freight. is it worth it. thanks
AnswerTrucking is and has always been a penny business. Meaning that pennies are at stake when it comes to profits. There are not a lot of profits in trucking, but there is some. As with any business you need to have a solid approach to the business, some practical knowledge and most of all good solid application of common business traits. Just buying a truck, and having an idea is not enough. If you were to buy a trauck and lease it to a carrier that handles reefer freight for 6 months or so, you will gain some invaluable experience. Also, I would be willing to bet that you would second guess your decision to purchase a reefer and maybe look at a different type of trucking. Referigerated transportation is in no way an easy way to make a living. Long hours behind the wheel and on the loading docks is the norm and not the exception. Also, there is a much higher probbability of claims. Plus, you get to work amongst some of the most unpleasant dock workers in the business, along with lumpers and all of the rest of the stuff that goes with it. As you can tell, I am no fan of reefers.
If you choose to do this, make absolutely certain you are ready and capable of performing the business side of it first.