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Trucking: Failed drug test, dot drug test, drug abuse treatment

I failed a dot drug test I do not do drugs or drink so how long do i have to wait until i can drive again with out going to a sap class and all that crap because like i said i dont do drugs The MRE or what ever said i tested positive for canaboids at 18 ngs and the cutoff was 15 ngs.I dont drink or do drugs and i told that guy that he said i failed acted like i was lying, thanks Randy  

Hi Randy, Sorry for the delay.  The trucking company that required the test should inform you of your options.  If they can not, contact your District Department of Transportation Office for the procedure. My understanding is that you must be evaluated by a Drug Abuse Treatment Professional, then be retested.  If rehired, must be tested several times during the next 6 months.  Good Luck.  J P Long