Trucking: trucking, internet truckstop, slow periods
QuestionI am thinking of buying two trucks and getting my motor carrier authority and broker authority to start my business. I have about $35,000 to work with and two friends that will drive for me. How would I find loads to start with and would I be profitable? Thanks
AnswerFinding loads for your trucks is a pretty upfront and basic practice. We use 2 load boards that are internet based. They are Internet Truckstop and D A T Connect. One is inexpensive and the second is around $130.00 per month.
Getting a brokerage authority is a smart move, as you are able to supplement your trucking income during slow periods. Just remember, that honesty and careful tracking of the money you owe to others is critical to your success. As a carrier, make sure your drivers are paid on time no matter what. Dont overpay them as that makes drivers want to sit around home too long. As a broker your credit will be your most imortant tool.
Good luck and stay in touch