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Trucking: trucking authority, dot numbers, shipping manager

how much does it take to get your own authority.and would it be good to broker your own loads or yous a broker.thanks jim.

Hi Jim.

You can go to web sites like www.dotauthority.com and get everything you'll need to get up and running.  They can help you with getting your DOT numbers, permits, fuel tax, etc.  Check with other companies, though, and get the best price.  

The other big obstacle is insurance.  Shop around for that hard.  Cargo/liability insurance is expensive, especially for new o/o, so get numerous quotes.  Web sites like www.ooida.com can help you with that (and you should join OOIDA also).  Even Progressive insures truckers now.

When finding loads, I do both.  I'll use brokers and also find loads on my own.  I never hear of trucking companies cold calling, but it's worked wonders for me.  I don't care where you live, there is a company near you that needs your services.  Some of the best loads I run were from stopping in a business and dropping off my card.  Most guys don't want to do it.  Sure it's a pain, and you have to get past the "gatekeeper" (the person who keeps salespeople away from management), but I promise you, it will put more money in your pocket at the end of the year.  I currently have a dedicated run within Florida that pays me triple what brokers are paying for the same run.  Did I get lucky?  Yes, but I kept after this customer and THEY gave me this price before I even quoted them.  It's an easy run and when this customer calls, I jump.  Point is, I would of never of gotten this account if I just called brokers all day.  You get rejection, and lots of it, but stay after it.  If your in an urban area, you may only have to travel a couple of miles.  If your in a rural area, it may be a hundred, but travel and drop off your business card wherever you can.  Try to talk to the shipping manager, or at least get his/her name.  Then pop in a few weeks later and ask for them directly.  I try to avoid phone calls, because it's too easy for them to say "No" on the phone.  Then, when some other company is late with the delivery, the boss will say "What was the guys name who is always in here selling us on his trucking company?  Call him!"  It works.

Good luck!

Bob Stephens