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Trucking: crst contract, corporate ladder, squeaky wheel

we are 4 months deep into our 8 month crst contract. Not very pleased with the
company at ALL...and want to quit but concerned about our DAC/MVR. IS there a
way to get out of  a CRST driver contract?

Hi Neikei.

I would assume that your in an eight month contract to repay the CRST Driver's School that you attended.  Is there a way to get out of the contract?  Perhaps, but you have to look at the down side.  Unless you get something in writing from upper management stating otherwise, you very well may end up with something on your DAC.  You don't want that!  Then, they may bill you for the entire driving school.  If you don't pay, there goes your credit too.  I don't know what the contract says, so I can only guess.

Let me offer my opinion and do with it as you wish.  If it was a two year contract, I'd say contact a lawyer.  Since you have only four months left, try and stick with it.  You'll be much better off in the long run and more trucking positions will be available to you.

I was in a situation like yours when I first started.  My truck was junk and the miles were horrible.  Everyone told me to stick it out for a year with the company. I could barely get in the truck, but I made the best of it.  Every yard I went in, I looked for another empty company truck that was nicer than mine.  I found the Terminal Manager, and pleaded for that truck.  I finally got one that was almost new.  Same thing with the miles.  I would talk to my dispatcher, then his Supervisor, and on up the corporate ladder I went.  I was never mean or vulgar, just firm in that I needed more miles or I can't afford to work for you.  I got better loads for a while.  It could work for you until your contract is up.  Squeaky wheel gets the grease!  

Try and stick with it these last four months.  In May, you'll be really glad you did!

Good Luck!

Bob Stephens