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Trucking: unpaid driver, dept of transportation, stopover

 hi mr. long!  i am doing this for a friend who is a long-haul driver. he works for werner. the thing is that he has been un-paid for about the last 2 months. he is 600 dollars in the hole at the bank, and his wife is not real happy about it. when he calls about payroll, he is told that werner never got the receipts. so today he was on a stopover and he was calling around to different places about it. i think the last call he made was to the dept. of transportation. he and his wife are close to eviction. so, if the DOT does not help, would you have any recommendations about what to do and/or who to call about it?  it seems that werner does not pay him; how many other drivers are not being paid?  any points in the right direction would help. thanks much!

Hi James,  Your friend should call the Department of Labor in his home state. They will investigate why he is not being paid.  I know for a fact that is the way it works in SC and should be same in his state. If this does not get results, should seek Legal Advice. Lawyer will keep a fee, but better to get some than none.  Just a letter from a Lawyer may help.  Nornal fee for a letter would be 30-50 Dollars. Good Luck.  check my web site: www.longdataser.com
J P Long