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Trucking: where do truckers sleep?, independant contractors, company that fits your needs

i've been wondering about this for a while now since i considered being a trucker a few months ago.

do they mainly sleep in the truck? if so, how does it work for partners? also is that safe?

or do most truckers sleep in hotels? if so, how do those rooms get paid for?

ps - anything else "behind the scenes" i should take into account about being a trucker?

Eigan, there are all kinds of driving jobs.  Many local driving jobs have you home every night, while some run at night and laet you sleep in the daytime.  Some long distance drivers can live on the road and only get home every month or two.  Most long didtance drivers have sleeper cabs but finding a safe place to park is sometimes a challenge.  Truckstops and major rest areas that are patrolled are generally safe.  Drivers wgho are on the road a long time will occaisionally spring for the comfort of a hotel room.  Some hotels have truck parking and are relatively inexpensive.  Re-imbursement varies by company but a large number of drivers are independant contractors which means they pay all of their own expenses.  There many different arrangements so it's a metter of finding a match with a company that fits your needs and style.  About partners there are many opportunities for team drivers on long haul lanes which allow one driver to sleep while the other one drives.  Check this website as a starting point:
Good luck.  Jim