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Trucking: Truck Recruiter/Broker Jobs, recruiter training, brokerage business

Hello John,
I'm a 51 y.o., O.T.R. trucker w. 4.5 yrs. exp. Getting kind of tired of being gone for periods. I know there are schools that train you to be a broker and I was also looking at being a driver recruiter from my home. I love the trucking industry and the down to earth people in it. I searched for "truck driver recruiter training" online but the sites only listed existing recruiters hiring drivers..no info about training to become one.
Would you have any info. about websites or companies that offer training to become a truck driver recruiter from their own home? Would also be interested in any other trucking related occupations one could start-up from home.

Thank you very much.

Mike Eidson  

Good morning Mike,

In my years of trucking, I maintained a deep respect for those that did long-haul and managed to maintain their sanity as well as keep their family together. It has got to be tough.

Speaking purely off the top of my head, I think you would be far better becoming a driver recruiter. The brokerage business is saturated right now and most people wont even give you an oppportunity unless you have a steady, broadbased client base to draw from.

Now recruiters are much in demand all of the time.

I would start with a copy of Transport Topics Top 100 trucking companies and identify those with positive reputations in the industry.

I would then create a letter of introduction with a brief explanation of what you are looking for, then folow up with those companies that you are really interested in.

Does that help ?
