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Trucking: Trucking Income Possibilities, trucking experience, internet job boards

I live in Tennessee and have no trucking experience (currently looking into the best route into the industry, any website that rates schools or methods to get into it would be appreciated).  

What I wish to know is exactly how you are paid and any possible "gotchas".  I am being quoted that I can make $36,000 -$40,000 the first year.  Is this realistic?  I understand you get paid per mile, but who pays living expenses while on the road (food, hotel/or are you expected to live in the truck EVERY night etc)?  How many miles can you reasonable (legally) expect to drive a day or if you do it on a  per week basis, which is what I see often is that a 5 day work week or 7 day?  When on the road, how long are you usually expected to be "on the road", or to ask another way, how much down time do you get each night...eight...ten hours?  What happens if your truck breaks down, or other things that prevent you from driving?  While I understand one should not waste time, is there usually pressure to meet deadlines that would encourage taking short cuts or speeding?  Are there any companies that you know should be avoided or at least have an abnormal high turnover?

Hope this is not too many questions at once!

Gary, are you planning to sign on as a company driver or buy a truck and operate as an owner-operator?  I am sure your local paper and the internet job boards have hundreds of job postings for all types of drivers so you can pick what you are comfortable with.  They should be able to give you info even if you are not ready to apply.  $36,000 -$40,000 the first year is realistic but you could make more or less depending on how much time you are willing to spend on the road.

Gary, here is a website you may find of interest:
Good luck,