Trucking: CDL Question, dot drug test, cdl license
I am located in Connecticut and have a question regarding a Class B CDL License.
Long story short.....When I was 18 years old I sustained an injury to my right leg and knee that took 4 years and 4 surgeries to correct. I have full functionality of my knee and leg but there were injuries to nerves that could not be corrected. Over the years my doctor had me on different medications for pain. 10 years ago he switched me to Methadone and I have been on it ever since with no problems.
I have been in the computer field for the past 11 years but need a change and was thinking of the trucking industry. Seeing as I am 6'3 and strong, my uncle mentioned that I would do good in the trucking industry. Through their jobs, my uncle and father have a number of connections to the local union around here so getting employment would not be an issue.
My question to you is, will I be stopped from getting the license from the Motor Vehicle dept because I am on Methadone?
AnswerHi Paul, Sorry to dash your hopes but do not believe anyone will let you drive while taking this medicine. It will cause you to fail the required DOT Drug test. With a prescription from your doctor, you may get by the test, but do not believe any employer will permit you to drive while on this medication. Suggest you stay in computer field. It will probably pay as well if not more. Regards, J P Long