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Trucking: Age/experience requirements, insurance..., age discrimination lawsuits, equal opportunity employers

Hi there...I have a question which has been nibbling at me since I came into the trucking industry a year ago, and maybe you can shed some light on it for me.  I am 22 years old with just over 1 year OTR experience.  I am currently employed with (don't laugh) Covenant, primarily due to the fact that they and Werner were the only companies who would hire a 21 year old rookie and let me carry my dog on board with me :).  

It hasn't been so bad, but after my year anniversary, I am planning to move to the Seattle area (from Florida) and I have been looking towards companies based in the West, for more of a regional job.  

As you may imagine, I've bumped into a few roadbloacks because of my age.  Some companies require 2 years OTR and a minimum age of 23- which makes sense to me.  But a few companies only require 1 year of OTR, but a minimum age of 23 all the same.  

I understand that insurance companies make those regulations for the company, but I wonder how this can be legal?  If I, at 22 years of age can meet all of the experience qualifications set forth by the company....if the ONLY thing barring me from being hired is my age, how can this be any different than "age discrimination" for older people?  I see all these companies that claim to be "Equal Opportunity Employers....without regards to age, race, sex, creed, etc." yet they can still turn my employment away simply because I am too young?

If any trucking company said, "Our insurance company won't let us hire anyone older than 50." they'd be up to their elbows in age discrimination lawsuits.  Yet, that same trucking company can say, "We want you to have at least one year of experience- but if you have that year of experience and you're under 23, forget it."  

I have no intention of starting any frivolous lawsuit wars :)...chances are I'll schlog it out with Covenant till I'm old enough to go someplace that pays better, LOL!  But this issue has been burning on my mind for a while- if I am a safe driver with 1 year experience, and that is what the company requires- how can my age- by a difference of 1 year- be the only disqualifying factor?  

Thanks for taking the time to hear my question, I appreciate any light you can shed on this for me.
Danielle Clynes
(former Allexperts Pets volunteer :)

Hi Danielle,  You raise a good question. I will try to give you my answer.  The insurance companies have set 23 as the minumum age they want to insure. Their studies show the age below that are more likely to be involved in an accident.
The trucking companies have to go along with that age limit in order to get insurance coverage on drivers. They do not deny employment therefo based on age but on getting insurance. The no discrimination does not apply to insurance companies, just to your employer.
Hope this helps you to understand how it all works.
Good Luck in you career. Regards.  J.P.  [email protected]
Transportation Consultant and former Safety Director.