Trucking: splitting logs, line 3, reese
QuestionMr Reese,
I need information on splitting log book hours. My company doesn't like for us to practice this so they don't discuss any details about the specifics.
My understanding is that for example if the were to drive for 7hrs. then say take a two break, you could drive for another 3hrs and then would have to take the balance of your break which would be 6hrs. At that point you could drive for 10hrs if wanted.
I have been shown the basics and reviewed several logs that were split correctly but its been several months ago.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Split logging appears to be harder than it is. Remember the basic rules you may not drive more than 10 hours with out 8 hours rest. Now if you drive 7 hours go to the sleeper for 2 hours drive 3 more hours you must have 6 hours in the sleeper for your 8 hour break. Then you may only drive 7 hours with out a break.In order to drive 10 cosective hours again you must have 8 consective hours off. An easy way to keep up with your splits is no drivin periods (line 3) may total more than 10 hours and the sleeper time must total 8 hours (line 2) or more in no more than 2 periods 2&6 3&5 4&4 all = 8. After your last sleeper break you may drive the total hours of the last driving period before you took your last break. Hope this helps. Wayne