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Trucking: Trucking Information, trucking job, state borders

 Let me first tell you a little about my self. I am a 28 year old computer programmer here in california. I haven't been on a job for the past 7 months and am facing a lot of finnancial problems. So just a few days back I was offered a Trucking job by a friend of a friend of mine.
This person said I can drive trucks for as long as I want and I can quite it when ever I get a good job as a computer programmer.
  Now about what he told me. He said he is going to buy me a truck and I'll have to pay the lease ammount, he's saying I can make a minimum of 50-cents a mile and on an average I can make about 4-5 thousand dollars a month. He also said he'll give me a month's training on driving and handling a truck.
 He said my basic work would be to transport goods from/to california from/to nearby states like Arizona, Texac, Nevada, Washington, etc.

 Now I want to know the following things:

     I have been driving a car only for the past 4 months, before this I just had a motorbike. So would switching over to a huge truck be any problem?

 I am just 5feet and 3 inches (159cms) in height and of a small built, would this be a problem in handling the truck on the freeways?

 I don't know anything what so ever about driving trucks and anything that comes with it.

I don't know what to expect on the roads, how to deal with people out there, how would it be crossing state borders and especially night driving, the precautions, the safety requirements and just about everything else.
 Would I be driving alone, or would some be with me? What if I get lost?
  How is the road life out there? Is it in any way dangerous, both in driving terms or otherwise. Also what or who are 'Highway Alligators'?
Finally, finally, finally do you think I should take up this job or just stay back and look for a job in computers?
     I'd really appreciate all your help, suggestions and advices.

Thank you very much.

 The first question that pops into MY mind is are you liscensed with a CDL? My guess is no. That would be your first priority.
  Crossing state borders is not a big deal, sometimes you have to pull thru a weight station, but other than that its no different than driving up the highway.
   I wouldn't have a clue wether or not your friend would have someone with you. I hope he would, until you are comfortable with the job.
    As for getting lost, you will. Thats a promise. EVERYONE does. Map out your route before you leave, have a CB radio in the truck to ask others for directions, and don't be afraid to stop and ask directions. I know this goes against everything that being a man stands for, but it beats being lost. (grin)
     As for dangerous, everything you do is dangerous. Taking a shower can be dangerous. Safety is a number one priority. Your friend will have to go over all the precautions with you.
     Alligators are those strips of retread tire you see laying in the road, that came off someones truck.
     Trucking is its own lifestyle, that just has to be experienced to fully understand. Long periods of time away from home, constant unexpected delays and yes, dealing with some shippers can be a royal pain.
     It has its good and bad, like any other career. I cannot tell you wether or not to take the job, but if it were me, knowing what I know, and (if I had your education in computers) I would stick to computers.