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Trucking: Getting Started, broker loads, tax cards

Hey,I got a good one for ya..I have been a company driver for 7 years I'm 29,and ready to buy
a truck but I don't know anything about being a owner OP.So If you could run down the expenses & everything eles u think I need to know please do.I Don't know anything but how to drive.I have alot of tickets so I will have to insure myself and get broker loads I guess..But If you could give me a good getting started walk threw or a web site that could it whould make me most happy.THX :)

Well if you're not going to be signing on with a company, you're going to be working with brokers to keep your wheels turning.  From my experience, I'm not sure being an owner operator is worth the extra expenses and time away from home.  That's just my personal opinion, yours may be different.

Expenses you'll incur:

-  tags & insurance
-  IFTA and other state fuel tax cards (stickers), you'll   need these for each state you travel thru.  
-  permits for each state you'll be traveling thru
-  Fuel
-  Oil changes
-  PM's
-  Tires
-  Lights, signals
-  Mud flaps
-  truck washes
-  any little thing that goes wrong with that truck, it comes out of your pocket to fix.

I once considered buying a truck, but once I added up the expenses and the time I'd spend away from home, for me...the bad outweighed the good.  For me time with my family was more important than the money.  But for a single guy owning a truck can be a good thing.  

I don't know how many tickets you have, but I believe that DOT says that you can't have anymore than 3 tickets in 3 years, it may be anymore than 3 tickets in one year.  I don't really remember, but if I were you I'd try and sign on with a large carrier.  You'll be able to save a little cash on your fuel, repairs, tires, etc.  Most large companies will also pay for you permits, tags, etc.  Not to mention they'll keep you wheels moving.  With all the big companies nowadays, it's REAL HARD for a guy that owns a truck to keep himself loaded.   This is going to be even more true if the price of fuel jumps up to near 2 bucks a gallon like it was just a little over a year ago.

Be careful and goodluck in what you decide.

