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Trucking: Getting own authoruty, broker freight, trucking company

Hi there -we have been owner operators for many years now and are seriously thinking about getting our own authority. In Washington it is fairly simple now.  My question is - do you have any advice on getting ourselves some good contracts.  We own a double set 40-22.5 and haul just about anything.  A bit scared about winter time work.  Anyone with advice would be welcomed!  Thank you.  Deena

Good Morning Deena
Yes authorty is easy to get. I would advise to look  to the shippers  or consignee that you have hauled for in the past, what type of freight (ie) refer,flatbed,dry van,ect.A contract with a mfg.or a freight forworder. Broker freight is always available but be carefull know your broker, some brokers are very slow pay or no pay and if work gets slow in the winter you can always lease to another trucking company as good owner/operators are always in demand and with your own authoruty you will have bought your base plates,insurance and permits, you should get a better lease percentage.I also advise know your true operating cost per-mile and plan accordingly, pay your self as if you were working for someone else.Remember you can't hual 0.70 freight if your cost is 0.75 per-mile.
