Truck Repair: 1998 Int. 8600 Cummings
QuestionI took out new batteries from our 1998 Int. 8600 Cummings and replaced with used but good batteries. The engine turns over great but will not start except with starting fluid. Never been hard to start before. I checked fuses but didn't see any concerns. I know it's not getting fuel, is there a kill switch I'm over looking? I took pix before removing batteries so pretty sure all is back together OK.
AnswerGuessing in a 98 your have a n-14 in it. couple things you can check is make sure you have the small ecm wire hooked to the positive on the battery. Also there should be a fuse in that wire could check it. There's also a ground fuse up by the batteries you could check. After that turn the key in the on position and you should have 12 volts at the fuel shutoff solenoid.