Truck Repair: n14 oil psi
QuestionQUESTION: n14 cummins, have oil psi most of the time. have code 141 oil sender, I put manual gauge in block along with the other gauge I have oil psi with manual gauge when other says o replaced oil sender no help rod-mains 12-2014 replaced oil pump plunger cleaned. help
ANSWER: I think I would take off a valve cover and make sure i'm getting oil up to the top of the motor. If you are then you know you have oil pressure. Which means you have something wrong with a wire going to the sender since you've already changed out the senders. If you don't give me your serial number and i'll look up the flow of oil should be a check valve in the filter housing I believe that might be sticking on you.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: if check valve is stuck why with manual gauge I have oil psi, I have oil psi on top of motor my jake brake works that works on oil truck not home right now to give serial number let you know next week.
thanks howard
AnswerVery good point I had my brain stick evidently forgot you also had a manual gauge in there. well with oil to the top of your motor you know without a doubt that everything is working so the only possible solution is electrical. Good way to start checking is run the engine and undue the connection at the sender not positive on the n-14 what volts is sent to the sensor but it will be either 5 volts or 12 volts. Here's the possible problems either the new sender is no good, you have a wire rubbed or broken. The ecm is acting up and communicating between the gauge and the sender, or the gauge is no good. I would say more then likely its a wire rubbed somewhere.