Truck Repair: 97 Frieghtliner celect Plus wont start
QuestionQUESTION: I parked the truck loaded with grain in the quonset in the fall was running fine. On a warm day in Jan tried and batteries were dead and frozen, replaced and it spins good but wont fire. It kind of runs on either. Replaced fuel filter. Checked fuel solenoid, its good and jumped 12v to it.
I have some dash lights on and a quiet buzzer even with the key off. There is a spark on battery cables when connecting with key off so I leave it disconnected when not in use. Fuses to ecm are good. All wiring and connecters look ok. Checked and cleaned frame grounds.
I cant find a mechanic to come troubleshoot so am on my own. Thanks for any help.
ANSWER: The dash lights on and the buzzer with the key off makes me wonder if a mouse hasn't chewed on some wires somewhere. If you know your fuel solenoid is working then it should be sending fuel through the engine so if you wanted to double check that you could take off the return line and see if fuel is flowing through the heads. The fuses for the ecm just to make sure on freghtliner there is 1 or 2 in the fuse box and there is one back where the batteries are. Theres also a ground fuse on the n-14 should be up around where the ecm is located. If all that checks out good my first thing i would start looking over the wiring making sure connections are all clean at the ecm and that no wires have corroded. When your cranking it over do you get a check engine light coming on?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Wow! Thanks for the quick reply!
I am getting good fuel pressure (squirting out)when I crack the braided fuel line into the block. I am getting dripping fuel when I crack the return line. Both while cranking. I found a 5 amp fuse by the ECM that was bad and changed it. Didn't help. Still looking for one in the fuse box. Fuses from batteries are good. Cant seem to find any wiring or connections that look bad visually. Mice are a possibility but cant see any damage and they have never entered the cab so far. I'm at a loss! Thank you so much for your help! This is a great service you provide....
AnswerHas to be something electrical not telling the injectors to fire. If you have another truck that uses the same engine you could take the ecm off that one and try switching them to see if its a ecm issue. Be sure to wiggle the all the connections while cranking some problems with connections wont show themselves until your tugging and pulling on things while trying to start at the same time.