Truck Repair: M11 wont crank., bendex, diagnostic device

QUESTION: I stalled my L9000 while the air brake was still locked.  Now the message is "shut off eng".  I get a loud click as the Bendix engages but the starter doesn't turn.  I am guessing the computer needs to be reset although disconnecting the main positive battery cable for a few minutes didn't do it. Any suggestions?

ANSWER: In the event of no fault code display of any problem, I advise you take out the starter motor for checks any any necessary repairs. either a solenoid or bendix may be stuck or damaged.

confirm your battery voltage is ok before starting and check the voltage during cranking. it should not drop below 2-3 volts off the normal battery voltage. If so, replace your battery.

Kind regards,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The battery voltage is 12.49 volts before cranking and has been strong. And, even if the batteries were weak they would still turn the engine over.  Especially since they had just turned the engine over and started it a moment before. I haven't checked the voltage drop but it seems doubtful that the battery is the problem.  Also, the bendex is slamming forward when I press the start button so I think that is OK as well.  The message on the dash is "shut off eng" so the computer thinks the engine is running. Is there any way to simply reset the computer?  Could it be done by plugging in a diagnostic device?  I would think sure there is a reset button somewhere or at the very least a series of actions which would reset it.



You can deactivate or clear a fault code by turning on the ignition and pressing the throttle pedal three times, then switch off and on it again. If necessary contact a Cummins repair shop mechnaic to use 'insite software' totroubleshoot the fault.
