Truck Repair: 2000 n-14 hard to start., diesel tank, fuel inlet

hi!!! first off i parked my 2000 kw n-14 cummins for a few months.why things were real slow. i just put it back on the road.but if it sets for a while its hard to start.replace batteries..for low voltage.still hard to start.took it it to cummins found material in check valve.(feels slimmie and when it dries it like paper.brittle).replace the main suction line from (T). and even put another filter inline before the ecm check luck..but some times i still get that slimmie stuff in the check valve, thats between the two filters..could the ecm cooler be comming a part..cummins doesn't even knows whats in the ecm cooler plate?? replace the filter housing at the pump no luck...there is fuel at the check valve,its doing its job.. the filter is only getting 1/4 doesn't matter if i use fs1000, d551000,bf1259.or a short filter they all do the same.. fill up the filter start the truck run it down the street turn it off start up, turn it off start it up again and the filter is empty again..put sight glass no bubbles,,clear fuel line no leak down..this is very frustrating know one seems to beable to help me. this didnt start to i park it for a while

thanks liff

Really a puzzle. Havig done all of the above, I advise that you check fuel inlet line from the tank up for debris or probable leakage somewhere.
It is also a good idea to flush the diesel tank. All fitting joints must be checked for cross threading and tightness.
kind regards,