Truck Repair: AC on a Cummins 4bt, v belt pulley, bluebird buses
QuestionI am using a 4 bolt Sadem compressor, I purchased it thru, it has a serpenten pulley on it.
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I am looking for a part number or how to go about getting a part number to get an AC compressor brkt. I recently installed a Cummins 4bt in my 89 YJ Jeep. From what I was told there are 2 set ups, I need the one that bolts in the 3 holes on top of the heads. THANK you for any help or light you can shed on this subject..... I bet I have called 50 place and nobody can help.
Depends on what type compressor you are going to use a "York" style 2 cyl or radial.Freightliner uses the 2 cyl version but in a 4 cyl probably an over kill & power killer.Some skidders have A/C radial compressors.There are actually 3 setups,one on either side of dampner(Bluebird Buses with dual A/C in a frt eng app)& the several set ups for on the frt left on head.Ill look for both let me know which comp you are going to use.
Answer If I find an easy compressor setup it would have a V belt.I could get a part number for the fan pulley(V belt pulley goes in front of the serpintine fan belt pulley) then you would need the correct length belt,(3) 10.9 bolts for the bracket bolting to head boss and how ever many to bolt compressor up.I dont know what lines you have but sure there is a compressor that will work.You have the fan hub yet? Does it have 8MM or 10 MM bolts that hold fan?