Truck Repair: 1986 chevy s10 2.8 v6 knocking noise in motor, chevy s10, tin snips

There is a knocking noise in the rightside of my motor now used to sound like a tap tap tap noise..
 would getting the firing order off a couple of plugs cause any internal problems if started an ran for any length of time?
 when I first start it you dont even hear it but as the motor warms up it gets increasing louder and louder sounds like a broken rod knocking or a spun bearing knocking..but those problems dont have to warm up to hear them you hear them as soon as you start your engine.
 I'm thinking valves..sticking.not seating,or bent
its an old motor and i dont like those motors for a pickup anyways   so i dont wanna dump awhole lot of money into it
so is there any quick tricks to try to troubleshoot the problem
thanks gary

If you think you might have a rod knocking, it could be silent when cold, due to the thickness of the cold oil.
I would remove and cut open an oil filter, and spread the pleats out to see if there are flakes.
Cut it with a knife or tin snips, not a hack saw.
Drop the pan and remove some caps is about as quick and positive as it gets.
