Questionwell its done it for a long time. it has been rebuilt and inj. pump also and still does it. we ran the overhead just like you show in your answer. so i think we're good there. how could i go about diag. one cyl. to see about the smoke. do you think jig timing it is a good idea.
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its manual its in a 87 western star.-------------------------
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i've got a L10 that blows a lot of fuel smoke. the inj. are all new and have been adj. loose, tight and at top stop. we were thinking that we sould jig time the eng. to see if cam is timed right. do you have any ideas. we don't have a L10 book so we're not posative if we adj. the inj. right. any help would greatly be appreciated.
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Is it a STC(oil going to injectors),manual,or Celect Engine(electronic)?
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If this just started than it is not the cam timing.I would take a good look at the camshaft for a bad injector lobe.Then see if you can isolate which cyl it is smoking on.
On that one the mark A is now 2-5,B is 3-4, & C is 1-6.Valves are Int 0.014 & Exhaust is 0.027.The injector you use a special "T" torque wrench that is preset to 5-6 inlbs to set lash.Adjust the Injector first,then the valves.
Letter Valve Inj
A 2 4
B 4 1
C 1 5
A 5 3
B 3 6
C 6 2
Answer Use the valve adjusting wrench if you have one or a 1/2" extension & 3/4" socket to bottom plungers while engine is running to see if smoke clears up.If you bottom one & it clears then that is the bad inj(or camlobe).The lobes are not hard to look at if you can get you head close enough to look down the pushtubes.