Truck Repair: water pump r/r, dowel pin, fan hub
QuestionMy cousin has a 1991 international eagle with a "cummins big cam 400" (he also was told it was an M14)The water pump needs replaced.We are going to replace it ourselves and would appreiate any insight you could give us on this.If you would happen to know of a website with a diagram so we can referance it OR if you happen to have one that can be e-mailed to me that would be fantanstic .We definatly know its the water pump(its leaking from the weep hole).It doesnt look all that hard to do but this will be a first for both of us.I hope tis is enough info for you.
thank you in advance
Answer It is not a real hard job.The hardest thing is getting room to work on the front of the engine.You will need some chemical like WD 40 to spray around the tube in the water pump to help free it up.Make sure you have BOTH "o"rings for the tube.Just remove all the belts,take the fan hub off,remove the 4 bolts on the inlet pipe & there are 5 or 6 bolts that hold the water pump to the block.The 2 on the left have a shoulder on them to line it up & there is a dowel pin on that side.