Truck Repair: Injection pump R&R, timing procedure, shop mechanic, tdc mark
QuestionI'm the new shop mechanic at the Bev. Hills Fire Dept. We have no tech data for R&R and timing of an injector pump. The vehicle is a 2000 Freightliner, 8.3L Cummins ISC (FL60). Any advice or diagrams (or where to find some quickly) would be most appreciated. Thanks!
Answer Just remove plastic plug in front of fuel pump & remove the nut.Turn engine untill the line on the gear points to the TDC mark on the frt cover.Take the air horn off intake to get to the lines behind it & remove the 2 sets of fuel lines.Take the return line loose at the pump & at the transfer pump to get clearance for removing pump.Taking the fuel filter head off helps.Take the main fuel line loose & the support bracket bolts.Remove the upper support bracket.Unplug the wiring to pump.Get gear loose on pump & remove the 4 mounting nuts.The pump is heavy,it weighs 75 lbs.The pump is keyed so no timing needed.