Truck Repair: ism quit running, solinoid, fuel supply
Questioni have a ism 8.3 quit running lift pump working pulled off fuel supply line at injection pump lots of fuel when pump activated pulled injection line rolled over couple drops,my question is there a fuel solinoid or ecm turns off injectors?how to check pos sensors under inj. pump plug in scanner no codes data looks good i work on n-14s but have little experience with ism thank you jed
Answer 8.3L is an ISC,ISM is a 11L engine but any way if it sounds like it is trying to run on one or 2 cyls then the rotor coupling has broken.The easiest way to check it is to unplug electric primer pump.remove plug in the center of the fuel lines on pump.get someone to manually turn engine & see if rotor turns.If not I would replace the fuel pump.CAUTION! It weighs 75 lbs.If you need help with the R&R process,write back.