QuestionWhen i fill the hpop res with oil it will start but dies as soon as it runs out of oil, just wondering what suggestions you have for this. Recently pulled the oil pan to fix oil leak and changed clutch.
Thanks for the pick up should be really tight. and does it have a o-ring or a gasket, when i pulled was all by feel because of the tight space, so dont know if there was a seal on the pick-up
AnswerHere is some good info that should help you out.
The lube oil pickup tube bolts directly to the front cover and is sealed to the front cover with a formed O-ring resting in a groove.
Lube Flow Chart
* The lubrication system is pressure regulated, cooled and full flow filtered.
* In addition to providing engine lubrication, pressurized lube oil is used to control fuel delivery in the hydraulically actuated electronically controlled unit injectors.
* Lube oil is drawn from the oil sump through the pick-up screen and tube into the oil pump. The oil pump is a Gerotor type with the rotor portion driven directly by flats on the nose of the crankshaft.
* The pump housing is bolted to the front cover. Pump inlet and outlet passages are through ports in the front cover. Lube oil enters the oil cooler header through a passage in the front cover.
* The oil reservoir, used to maintain a ready supply of oil to the high pressure pump, is filled via two passages:
* For initial startup, oil is directed from the oil pump discharge port through a passage in the crankcase which also contains an anti-drain back check ball. This path replenishes oil to the high pressure pump during cold cranking to insure sufficient oil pressure to operate the injectors for quick starts.
* The primary reservoir oil supply is a continuous feed from the left bank tappet gallery up through the front cover and discharges oil near the top of the reservoir.
* Pressurized lube oil reaches the turbocharger bearings from the rear main oil gallery through a passage in the turbocharger pedestal (mounting pad). Oil drains from the turbocharger through another passage in the pedestal directly back to sump. This oil supply and drain eliminates need for external lube lines to the turbocharger.