Just found this fantastic site! I'd give myself about a 7.5 on the shadetree mechanic scale, rely on Chilton / Haynes which can lack many details. My problem...I have a '91 S15 Jimmy 4X4, close to 200k mi. U joints on front axles went bad, decided to do as much refit as possible ( control arm bushings, ball joints, axle bearings ). What I'm stumped on is this: my Haynes manual shows the use of a "two-jaw" puller in the process of removing the torsion bar so as to be able to remove the lower control arm ( for bushing replacement ). Got the puller from my local AutoZone, but could not use it due to another frame crossmember being in the way, just forward of the crossmember that the torsion bar adjustment bolt resides in. The truck frame is resting on heavy duty stands, with the lower arms also supported on stands. The manual said that the puller was to maintain tension while the adjuster bolt was removed, but when I returned the puller to the store, one of the guys there said I didn't need to use it at all, just remove the adjuster bolt ( after marking position for re-install ) but I have doubts about HIS expertise....Really hate to leave those old LCA bushings in place since almost all other front suspension components will be brand new. Running out of time, gotta get this baby back on the road!! Hope I've given enough info and that you can help me out here. Will tell everyone about this wonderful site, thanks so much!!!
AnswerHi Buck,
You gave plenty of information.
That parts man is correct about not needing the tool, but there is one thing you mentioned that needs to be changed first.
Allow the front wheels to hang free while removing that adjuster bolt. That will take all the pressure off of it.
Loosen the bolt, and you can even remove it and the little saddle nut, then raise the control arms a little if you want to.
But yes, mark that stuff. Spray some lube on that bolt too.
Here is another site you would like.
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I am Fixitfox33 on that forum.(Don't laugh)